transformation through the presence of horses, donkeys, and nature

Donkeys and Horses are known for sensing the energetic field with acute accuracy. This keen awareness allows them to reflect what the mind struggles to understand.
Sessions are interactive and multidimensional. My work with clients explores the unprocessed energy and unconscious thoughts held in the body. We partner with donkeys and/or horses as guides to highlight, process, and metabolize what is in our subconscious, allowing it freedom to express in a way that is safe for you. This experiential session includes voice dialogue, expressive art, a unitive perspective and other somatic techniques to help you re-connect to your "true self".
When we are able to fully engage our body, nervous system and subconscious with a curious approach, a real shift happens in our alightment to self. The process of healing looks very different from the curious mind. Often this way of healing may involve meeting with shadow and inner child aspects of self, along with connecting to your spirit and nature guides, ancestors and other forms of higher intelligences .
"My experience watching a client participate in insight equine therapy was truly amazing! It was clear that this modality allowed the client to get to the root of what they were struggling with in a few minutes instead of a few sessions."
~ Aarti Kishen, LCSW-C
22862 Dover Bridge Road Preston, Maryland
Campbell's Lane Farm featured in Shore Monthly
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22862 Dover Bridge Road, Preston, Maryland 21655
By Appointment Only
Insight Equine Therapy is a subsidiary of Campbell's Lane Farm, LLC. ~ Copyright © 2018 Insight Equine Therapy - All Rights Reserved.